Friends of Dirk and Kelsey







November 15, 2006


I wanted to get out an update before Dirk and I leave for the east coast. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. This year will be pretty special for us.

Dirk's rehab continues to go well. He works hard in all of his therapies, despite the ongoing frustration he feels with his eyes, voice and impaired movements. Time is what he needs, but he gets tired of hearing that. He has hit some great milestones worth noting. He ran 1½ miles with me the other day and swam a mile.not with me. (It takes a lot to get me in the pool this time of year.) It was REALLY hard, but he did it. Three months ago we were thrilled when he ran 1 minute and now he is running 20 minutes .now that's improvement.

Last week we met with the neuro-oncologist. It is still unclear exactly what was resected from Dirk's brain, but it was some type of low grade, benign tumor. The doctor will be monitoring Dirk pretty closely for the next year. He will have an MRI every 3 months for the first year and every six months for years to follow. At this point we are not considering radiation because he is still improving and we do not want to radiate healing tissue. However, if changes start appearing we will do whatever it takes to rid Dirk of the problem.

Emotionally, we are working through some tough stuff. We're okay, but it's really, really hard. I mean really hard.. I know we are going to get through this, but I wish I could snap my fingers and make it all better. Dirk told me the other day.we are only given in life what we can handle. I am still trying to find truth in that.

To end my email, I want to embrace the season and take a moment to say thank you.

We first want to say thank you to all of his doctors, nurses and therapists that have taken care of Dirk since June 3rd. The words "thank you" don't seem big enough to reflect how grateful I am. The Hawaii team gave Dirk their heart and soul and because of that performed a miracle. I truly believe Dirk is with us today because of the amazing care we received there- thank you.

I don't even know how to begin to thank our friends and family. From the first moment I never felt alone in this journey. You've carried me along for months and given me (and Dirk) strength and encouragement to keep moving forward- thank you.

Finally, I want to thank those that have never met Dirk or myself, but have been touched by our story. You have prayed for us, brought us food, or donated to Dirk's fund and you don't even know us. I've been overwhelmed by your support and thoughtfulness- thank you.

Have a wonderful holiday and know that we will be saying a special thank you to each of you next Thursday.

Love, Kelsey

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